2018-12-20 Mid-Week Update
Teaser Scene
At this point I don’t feel like it’s an update without some teaser material. I’m just going to go on record here and say that I’m in love with Cassie. It’s a tough spot to be in because while I love her and want her all to myself, I realize that I have no choice. I have to share her with you as well. So here’s a quick pic of our girl from the upcoming release. Enjoy!
What’s the News?
Good afternoon all.
So we promised to keep you updated as the week progressed, I apologize that we’ve waited till nearer the end to open communication back up. But we wanted to be 100% certain of the facts before we dropped you a line.
After very judiciously examining the remaining workload, we’ve had to make some last minute course corrections.
Unfortunately we missed our mark and we’re simply going to run out of time before the holidays to bring you the update we wanted to. The plan was to release an update that would advance the Cassie, Lupita and Nanami storylines respectively. Given the amount of work left to do we just won’t be able to get it fully processed before the holidays.
And the reality is our productivity will simply be at a minimum the week of Christmas due to visiting relatives an all that hub bub.
OK, but What’s the Good News?
Instead of asking you to wait until January for the next update, we’re doubling down and working on finishing up Cassie’s Red storyline so that we can at least drop what we’ve accomplished before Christmas.
Before the end of the weekend we are planning to drop an update that will include Lupita’s remastered Introduction and two additional scenes that will advance the Cassie storyline along the Red and Blue paths. In total that’s three new scenes to hopefully sate your appetite until we can fire back up sometime near the end of next week.
What About Nanami?
We have a great deal of Nanami’s next update completed but we have a couple of animations left to render out and the entire Red Path still needs visuals. I’d say it’s at about 70% complete.
Our new goal is to bring you another update in the first or second week of January that will include the Nanami update that is in progress, as well as two brand new Amanda scenes!
So while we didn’t make the mark we aimed for, we are at least poised to bring you two back to back updates in a relatively short time.
So We’re All Caught Up Then Right?
YES! With the conclusion of Lupita’s introduction we are completely past where we left off with the beta. From here on out it is completely new material! We’re excited to get past this mark. We’ve worked hard and we couldn’t have done it without your support.
Seriously, we went through some tough times in the middle of the year with hardware meltdowns, but many of you showed your faith by supporting us through several months of producing nothing! That’s a big deal to us! It means you really had faith that we were going to bounce back, and that you liked what we were doing well enough to literally pull us over the hump. We cannot thank you enough! We wouldn’t still be here without you!
2019 is going to be a lot of fun! You can count on it!
As Always, We at Ianvs Salute You!