2019-10-24 News
And now, for a spot of news!
As far as the exception causing bugs, I believe we’ve squashed most of them. There are a few places where Roger’s name is still hard coded. As those are pointed out I’ll be quick to fix them for the next update.
The animations will remain wonked for the time being. This isn’t so much a bug as it was a result of me upping the resolution of the game. I’m not going to expend time at the moment re-rendering those animations because the old sex scenes will be upgraded with the new sex menu in due time.
Android Version
This continues to be a vexing issue. Try as I might, I cannot even get a successful build. And the only error message I have to go on is (no error message).
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:app:packageRelease’.
> org.gradle.tooling.BuildException (no error message)
If anyone has any ideas, by all means, shoot them my way.
I’ll continue to work on it, but for the moment I’m going to put it on the back burner and push forward with the next update.
I know some people have been reporting static issues with the music. I’ve run some tests and the issues appears to be with the coded volumes I set to try and normalize the music. I can fix it by going through all music and dropping everything down in tandem a notch or two. I’ll sprinkle this work throughout next week and get a music patch out when it’s done.
Live Stream
Now that the update is out, I’ve got a little breathing room. I’d like to start doing the Daz live streams again. I’m thinking once a month we’ll slate a Tuesday or Wednesday for this and have a little fun with our girls.
I believe next up is a wallpaper of Amanda dominating Nanami for the hell of it. =P
What’s Next
Work has begun on the next update. Currently, I have Amanda, Cassie and Emily written and mostly coded. The render work is what needs to be hammered on and I’ve already begun with that.
To help spread the love and get content for all the girls out faster, I’m going to see about completing things in half chapters like we did with Nanami. With that thought in mind, I hope to see a 5 scene release of Amanda content, followed by 5 scenes of Cassie and 5 scenes of Emily. After which, we’ll circle back around and finish up Amanda, Cassie and Emily in order. This is tentative and assuming I can find clean breaks between erotic scenes (My goal is to make sure each release has a healthy dose of erotic content).
That’s about all I have for now. I have a few more things to disseminate but they deserve their own posts. So after I’ve finished thinking through the next couple of things, I’ll drop that information as well.
For now, I’m on to render some Amanda!
Cheers Mates!