2020-07-09 Past time for some News!
Alright, I’m going to tell you this will be short and sweet, but my tendency to ramble may yet prove me wrong.
Still working on the update. Cassie’s chapter went through a bit of a rewrite (sometimes better ideas occur mid-process). What started as a small subplot in the Cassie chapter kind of got out of control and is now being rewritten as it’s own stand alone chapter with Lita and Lola. It’s back burnered right now and isn’t detracting away from the work on the Cassie chapter, but it did require me to do a little rewriting to account for its removal.
At this point all the coding crap is done. The testing and what not on all the automation has come through solid and for the last two weeks I’ve been in complete creative mode. Nothing but writing and rendering. Though this week saw a bit of a slowdown (kids home for the summer, covid keeping them from going anywhere) there has been much activity around the house which has detracted from work on the game.
But by all accounts, the Governor has declared that the kids will be back in school next month, so when that happens, we’re throwing open the throttle and going into over drive.
Patreon Goals
I have them, I don’t know why. I consistently ignore them and break rank. I’m probably drunk when I set them. Who the fuck knows.
Anyway, I’m going to do some retooling of the goals because I’m about to go completely out of order.
The way they’re set now, at $5,000 in Patreon income I promised I’d build a second computer rig to handling rendering. I don’t know where the number $5,000 came from, I don’t know why I thought it was a good benchmark, but whatever. It’s fucking stupid. I’m not waiting.
You folks have been so wonderfully patient with me while I lay the groundwork for a smoother, faster production of future installments that I’m not going to make you wait for some arbitrary number before I remove this particular bottleneck.
I’ve already purchased an Intel Core i7-9700K around which I’ve started to build the second rig. Over the next couple months I’ll continue acquiring the parts needed to make the “Render Beast” and alleviate the bottleneck. I’ve got the system spec’d out, I just need to get the parts and assemble.
Till then, I’m still chugging along.
Soon as this house is cleared out and I don’t have people around here 24/7, I’ll also get back to the live stream.
By mid-August I’d like to be doing three of them a week and really sharing the progress as this thing is kicking along. If I can spend Tuesday’s and Thursday’s writing, then that should leave Monday, Wednesday, Friday for nothing but art and rendering.
That’s the tentative plan.
Alright, that’s all for now. I know I’m behind on my public relations work (emails, forums, messages, etc.), but I’ll try to spend some time this weekend catching up with you fine folks!
I have some additional teaser art and such I can share and I need to share and it’ll be nice just getting back in touch with you all.
Expect to hear from me again soon!
With all my gratitude and appreciation, I salute you!