2020-09-29 News
Damn, I guess it’s already time for another news brief. It’ll be short, I promise.
Why’s it short? Because there’s not much to report, and that’s a good thing!
Every minute I’ve spent working on the game for the last two months has been spent either writing story or making art!
I’ve settled into the new groove and production is finally moving along at a faster pace than ever. Render time has gone up, but render quality is as good as I can make it.
Because of the new “no need to code” process, I can set up and do a live stream in about 10 minutes. Previously there was planning, and coding, and all kinds of stuff that needed done before I was ready to do live work.
Not anymore. Now it’s just open the files, make some notes as I go, and crank out the art! We’ve done several live streams and I look to continue doing those so you can see progress happening in real time.
My goal this week is to do a live stream every day and wrap up Friday with another 5 hour stream.
That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. Nothing happening except content creation and I look for it to remain that way for the indefinite future. It took some time getting things set up to this point, but I think we’ve made it!
I’m coming up on the half way point for Cassie’s next chapter and should be done with scene 6 of 13 by the end of next week. By the end of Scene 6 which is about the half way point of the chapter, we’ve hit 7,000+ words and over 450 images. So it’s shaping up to be a pretty meaty update!
If everything works out, I’ll have six scenes ready to deliver for play testing to $10+ patrons sometime late next week or the week after depending on how long it takes for the computer to render images.
I’ll keep you informed as things progress!
As always, thank you for your continued support and I look forward to streaming with you all tomorrow! Cheers!