2021-03-04 Daily Live Stream Test Renders Poll
Alright, well since I’m wrapping up the first week back in production mode, I figured I’d take a poll and see if what we’re doing is solid.
This week I’ve been diligent about not only getting new work done, but sharing with you the fruits of that labor. After each day of work I render out one of the images we worked on, one vanilla and one lewd and post them up to show off the results of our hard labor.
It’s fun, I enjoy doing it, and I’m very proud of the work we accomplish together.
However, I also understand if this starts to feel a bit spammy after awhile.
Then I figure, why not just ask you what you prefer.
So you’ve received some artwork every day this week. How was it?
How often would you like to receive test renders?
Poll Ends: 3/7 @ 23:59 EST (11:59PM)