
A special note to our Patrons

We are quickly coming up to the one month anniversary of our project. We started this in the final weeks of December and promptly went live on the first of January with nothing but a single scene, a vision and a few pretty renders.

Our goals were and remain very lofty, but we are confident we have the skills, determination and love of creation required to see to it’s completion.

Ever since we got our second patron (the first was Mike and he’s working on the project, so we don’t count him), we’ve been grateful for every pledge and comment we’ve received. You chose to put your hard earned money towards or project at a time when we had very little to sell you but a vision. And still you trusted us, and believed in us and that means a great deal. So for that, thank you!

We have since spent a great deal of time talking about you, our supporters and we would like to do something special for the small group of you that joined our project in it’s first month. But we confess, we are having a hard time coming up with a gift that truly expresses our gratitude for you having a little faith in us.

So we put the question to you, what is something exclusive we can do for you, our first supporters? If we wanted to immortalize you with this project, what would you want? Would you like to be added to the top of the credits of every edition of the game going forward? A custom character render of your choice. Have a minor character in the game named after you? All of the above?

We would love to hear your ideas and know what we can do to show our thanks and appreciation for taking this leap of faith with us.

Again, thank you! Your continued support is truly encouraging!

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