Weekly Update 2018-03-04
Hello everyone,
So here’s your weekly round-up. We’ve nearly finished with Monica’s next scene. Renders are taking longer than we’d like, but we have three locations, and two new characters we are introducing for this scene. So there was more setup than normal, additional lighting, costuming, etc. But the scenes are built, we are just waiting for the machine to crank them out. We have some lovely Monica promo renders showing off some of the new material that we will post before the end of the day. So enjoy!
Lupita’s next scene has been written and is currently about 50% coded. So once we finish up with Monica’s distribution, Lupita should not be far behind. After that we’ll continue with Emily’s story, and then we are right back to the top of the order with Cassie.
In two months we’ve completed about 10 scenes. A little slower than we anticipated, but we’re giving it 110%.
So as always, work continues to move forward and we are very excited about the next couple of scenes coming your way. Steamy stuff in the works so stay tuned.