
Weekly Update 2018-08-05

Good evening everyone. There’s a lot of house keeping I need to take care of with this post, so let’s just jump right in.

Progress: We’re continuing to bump out renders for upcoming release. The image count is 50+ and climbing. Tentatively we are hoping to have the release ready for next weekend, but as always we’ll continue to update you along the way. Last month’s delay caused a bit of delay this month and so the dominos fall, but the product is looking great and we’re more than excited to get this next release into your hands!

July Poll Results: So the poll results for July have concluded. With 47% of the vote, Option B, “The Peeking Beaver” as Fecal calls it, won the tally.

Keeping in mind we have to plan these polls out way ahead of their intended use so as to avoid having overlap between production and poll conclusion. So while this suit won’t feature in the next Cassie scene, it will appear in one of the scenes subsequent to it in the story.

August Poll Live: With that in mind, we’re looking ahead to future scenes of Roger working in the warehouse and that brings us to this month’s poll. Who is the Warehouse Manager?

We’ll give you a hint at the possibilities, but all the details and voting are available to 5+ patrons.

The warehouse manager role is only intended to a be one or two scene sexual encounter and isn’t designed to be a long term love interest. Even so, we think having these little side roles will add further variety and opportunity to explore additional fetishes and in general just have fun.

I think that it is for now. I have a dozen little tasks running through my head at the moment, so if I’ve forgotten something, I’ll be sure to post a mini-update to make up the difference.

Till next time, Cheers!

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