Weekly Update 2018-08-12
It’s that time again folks. Here’s your weekly round up.
Our man Data Dog has agreed to take up the responsibility of maintaining a weekly tracker. Having this tracker is great for a number of reasons. It helps us focus on what still needs to get done before our next disty. It keeps us honest and on task. Furthermore, it allows you to see what it is we have completed and what remains to be done.
You can find the tracker on our Main Patreon Page but for convenience we’ll repost it here each week when we do the update. I wouldn’t be surprised if he updates it throughout the week as we hit 100% on completed tasks.
We’ve got the monthly character nude coming up this week. This month is all about Lupita. We haven’t seen her in awhile so we promise to make it extra special.
For those who qualify to vote but have yet to do so, you can find the currently monthly poll here. We’re looking for a warehouse manager. You can review their applications in the poll and as a refresher, your choices are among:
Speaking of bad ass renders and the division of responsibility, Fecalmancer has take over control of our homepage, www.doctoramana.com. I claim no responsibility for what he does with it. BUT, he has begun the rebranding with a new series of nude header images of our favorite cast members. Last I checked, he only needed to upload Amana, Monica and Nanami. But if you’re looking for some fresh images of Cassie, Jane, Amanda, Emily or Lupita, just follow the link and hit refresh. They cycle through randomly. (I’ll talk to him about just including them in the gallery this week to save you the trouble.)
Since Fecal was handling the Dev-Logs, those will start to reappear there as well. Should be some new ones coming in the next several days.
All that aside, work continues unabated. We’re jamming hard on the next release with every spare hour we can find. To help sate your curiosity in the meantime, here are a couple more teaser pics from the coming release. Please keep in mind these are just the raw image and have not gone through post-production yet. Enjoy.
We’ve been spending a lot of time perfecting our Daz skills. We hope the above images are a testament to how much we love you.
Cheers Friends, we’ll talk soon!