Live Streaming in about 15 minutes. Start Time: 12:15 EST (12:15 PM) Estimated End Time: ~14:15EST (2:15 PM) Content: Emily Chapter 02 Scene 02 Daz Art URL for Stream (And Recorded Streams): https://picarto.tv/doctoramana All questions, comments and requests for Daz tips and tricks welcome! Bring your questions or just come hang out! Salute!
Originally my plan was to do a regular live stream today. Then I realized today was a holiday and now the whole afternoon is thrown out of whack. I still plan to work on the game today but unfortunately the five or so hours I wanted to put in will be broken up over the course of the whole day instead of an uninterrupted block as planned. That said I won’t be posting a hard Picarto time, but will be on an off periodically throughout the day. House is full so it’ll be a no-mic kind of day and I’ll probably use the time to finalize some character design. But…
Good morning everyone. I know it’s been awhile since we had a chat and for that I apologize. I’ve only got a few things to run over with you and then we’ll get back to work immediately. I promise. For starters, I want to apologize for ghosting you for part of July and all of August. Those who’ve followed the game for a while know it is highly uncharacteristic of my chatty ass to go so long without a peep. For reasons of personal privacy I won’t go into all of the specifics, but I can give you the broad details. The company that I work for had a data…
2021-06-16 Amanda NSFW
Ain’t she cute as a goddamned button?!
2021-06-16 News
Alright, let’s do this one more time from the top! It’s official, I’m sick of writing! But on the upside I have a shit ton of first draft and plot structure laid out. On the one hand it’s been very invigorating doing so much writing these last few weeks. Once I had the plot lines for initial characters laid down a wave of inspiration washed over me and I had all these ideas in my head I wanted to lay down. But after a few weeks of developing story, I’m ready to get back to the meat and bones of things. Polls will resume at the end of next week…
2021-06-04 News
You know the drill, so let’s do it. All Quiet on the Amana Front? True, I haven’t been as present as I normally am. For some strange reason these last few weeks I’ve been riding this creative high and I don’t know when it’ll stop. At this point I’ve learned to identify these little bouts of creative energy when they come and I take full advantage of them when they’re here. That said, I’ve been laying down a lot of groundwork on the story. As previously mentioned I had been working ruthlessly on the script and had finished mapping out a three act story arc for each character. Well as…
2021-05-27 Lola NSFW
And don’t be a hater! She’s still got great tits!
2021-05-27 News
I know it’s been a hot minute since we dropped some news. So let me take some time now to bring you up to speed. It’s been a busy couple of weeks to be certain. And the work I’ve been doing wasn’t really anything streamable. What have I been working on? Well I’m glad you asked. Asset Pipeline I’ve been putting in quite a bit of time these last few weeks ironing out all the kinks in the asset development process. There has been quite a bit of trial and error still, but now things seems to be worked out. I was doing a lot of testing across software platforms…
2021-05-24 Weekend Poll Results