Development News


Been a hot minute and a busy month, so I figure it’s time to catch everyone up.

What’s there to say. Working, working, and then working some more.

Time spent on the game slowed down a bit for the last week and a half. The real job blues hit hard and I career demands stole a bunch of that time. Summer is a busy month and I’d been putting it off for as long as I could. But it was finally time to produce some real results or I was going to be up against the wall.

Render machines are up a running, images are being kicked out, and I need to get on some post production so I can get some play test material rolling through the doors.

I’m not going to get as much released this month as I’d hoped cause the real job back doored me. But I’m going to do my best to get at least one of these chapters buttoned up real quick with others to follow close behind.

We’re half way done with Emily, Lupita and have an early start on Jane. And there is a the Nanami rework happening. So there’s a lot going on. Little by little we’ll get it jammed out.

In the meantime, I’ve got Sarah to help coach me and cool me down. Deep breathes right. We’ll get it all done. Looking to stream 5 days this week and next to try and jam out as much as we can at the end of the month.

Oh, and another upside, I got to start working on Sarah’s first scene today. With that we’ll have two new love interests introduced in Emily’s chapter. Should be fun times. Salute!