
2021-04-12 Special Note to Patrons

So I’ve been looking over my “Relationship Manager” on Patreon today and found myself incredibly humbled by some of the data there. When I look over the “Join Date” of so many of you I am shocked and amazed at how many patrons I have that joined as far back as 2018 and 2019.

I always try to express my gratitude for every one of you that have chosen to throw in your support for this project. But for those of you that have been patrons for such a long time I am especially honored. You all have toughed out your support through some very dry times.

This project from its inception has seen several highs and lows. Admittedly there were a lot more lows. From team members abandoning the project to pandemics and slow progress. You have no doubt show an incredible amount of faith and loyalty and for that I can never say thank you enough.

While it is true that I’m a stubborn individual, I have always had a rock solid belief that this story could truly be something great. And even though I lacked the ability to see that dream come to fruition any sooner, I was determined to spend whatever time was required to learn the tools and hone the process so that one day I could finally deliver on the promise that this game held.

We’ve been through a lot together. And I have always done my utmost to make sure you were informed of what was happening throughout the development process. I have gone to the greatest lengths to earn your trust and have never once considered giving up on this project.

That said, I also cannot put into words the amount of pure excitement I feel right now knowing that we’ve nearly conquered the ‘learning curve’ and are finally in a position to produce some of the best work this game has ever seen.

The renders have improved exponentially these last 12 months and are now of a quality I couldn’t previously conceive of. I am as enthusiastic as ever about the story and the scenes, characters and plot lines I have spinning in the works are some of the best I’ve ever written.

I am thrilled every day that I rise from bed and get to work on this game. And I am even more excited that finally after such a long wait, I can begin to deliver into your hands the top quality game I’ve always promised.

So once again I just want to say thank you for patiently waiting for me sow these fields of perversion and pleasure and I look forward to reaping the rewards of that effort with you for a long time to come.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Now, let’s make some fucking porn!

Ever in your debt, I salute you!

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