
Weekly Update 2018-11-23


Stupid busy week this week what with Holidays and all, but we’re still jamming. Lupita’s scene is nearly complete and we’re part way through the re-writes on Cassie’s next two story paths. Our goal is to continue working for the next couple of weeks and have three characters ready for our next update. Lupita, Cassie and Nanami will all feature in our next release provided everything goes according to plan. We also have a few additional surprises along the way that we’ll reveal as the timing is right. Exciting stuff ahead and finally some actual “New” content for those who have been following us since the alpha.


We’ve seen remarkable participation in Cassie’s nightwear poll. If you’re a $5 patron and you haven’t voted yet, you can do so here. If you’re not a $5 patron, what are you waiting for? This is where the hot action is! Jump on board and make your preferences known.

The choices are among the three nightie’s below. You can see the uncensored version in the actual poll (which may or may not help your decision making). We’ve got 10 days left to vote. So chime in!

*Right-click and Save As for a larger version.

What’s Next

We are going to drive hard to get these three characters ready for the next release. We have a few weeks of work ahead of us but there is some more vacation time coming up for December that we’re going to use to really drive the ball ahead. Lupita’s scene is nearly done. So the outline for the remaining work consists of two Cassie scenes, and two Nanami scenes. I’ve noticed that as we get further into this project, the scenes are getting longer and heavier. This draws out the production time a little but greatly increases the amount of content. We’ll keep you updated as work progresses.

Weekly Preview

This week’s preview is a test render from one of Cassie’s upcoming scenes. Cassie’s driving test is coming up soon and she wants a refresher. Besides, a little alone time will be good for the two of you, don’t you think? Bonding and what-not.

*Right-click and Save As for a larger version to put on your desktop or take to church.

It’s a short update but that’s all for now. Cheers mates!

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