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    2021-07-06 Live Stream

    2021-07-06 Art Stream Start Time: 13:25 EST (1:00PM) Estimated End Time: ~15:30EST (3:30 PM) Actual End Time: 15:30 EST (3:30PM) Content: Daz Scene Creation, Emily Chapter 02 Scene 02 URL for Stream (And Recorded Streams): https://picarto.tv/doctoramana All questions, comments and requests for Daz tips and tricks welcome! Bring your questions or just come hang out! Salute!

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    2021-05-07 Art Production Poll

    My goal each week is to work on content for three of the characters. For our first poll though, two of the character slots have already been filled. This is because currently I’m in the middle of work on Lupita and Nanami. But that still leaves a third slot to fill. Based on which characters have scenes in their final draft, ready for artwork, I have populated this poll with four potential characters. So let me know who we want to work on next week and we’ll get some stuff done! ENDS: Sunday – 2021-05-09 @ 11:59 PM

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    2021-07-06 …and then I get brave and try more complicated shit. (NSFW)

    (Click the link to preview or check it out on Discord!) While I was waking up this morning and having my coffee, I wanted to try something else. An hour later, I was staring at Amanda’s tits as they gloriously fell from her shirt. Now to be clear, we have a short way to go before we’re ready for animations in the game. But this is a start. For now I’m going to continue to work on the story and the main artwork and chip away at the animations on my free time. But I do not doubt that pretty soon we’ll be going back and adding some of this…

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    2021-07-06 This is why I can’t work tired…(NSFW)

    Cause when it’s late at night and I’m winding down and watching tutorials I get inspired to try things and I end up doing stuff I said I’d never do. Like animations in Daz. And so on a coffee fueled high I spent about two hours last night figuring out the piping sequence between Daz and Marvelous Designer so that I could build this custom animation. What I’m quickly discovering is that while Daz alone sucks when it comes to transforms and animations,  when paired with Blender and Marvelous Designer, we can do some pretty amazing things. Now this was 2 hours right out of the gate, start to finished…

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    2021-07-02 News

    Hello again friends. Time for a little news. Progress Progress on the game continues unabated. Albeit a little slow these last two weeks because of the real job encroaching on my time. But that aside we’re moving along well. I’m in the middle of three new chapters and a single update chapter and we’re about half way on each. My plan is to shift focus a bit for the next couple of weeks and work on driving the to completion one by one. The writing for the previous poll winners was completed but I’m holding off on another art vote until I get these next chapters done and released. Then…

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    2021-07-02 Sarah Volumetric Test (NSFW)

    I figured it was past time I learned to do volumetric lighting. I asked Sarah to help and she happily agreed. This was my first attempt, about 10 minutes to render. I already know a few things I’ll do different the next time around but I feel now I have a solid grasp of the concept. Cheers!

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    2021-07-01 Art Stream

    Start Time: 09:15 EST Estimated End Time: ~12:30EST (12:30 PM) Actual End Time: 12:45 EST (12:45 PM) Content: Daz Scene Creation, Emily Chapter 02 Scene 02 URL for Stream (And Recorded Streams): https://picarto.tv/doctoramana All questions, comments and requests for Daz tips and tricks welcome! Bring your questions or just come hang out! Salute!

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    2021-06-30 Art Stream

    Start Time: 10:00 EST Estimated End Time: ~12:30EST (12:30 PM) Actual End Time:  13:00 EST (1:00PM) Content: Daz Scene Creation, Emily Chapter 02 Scene 02 URL for Stream (And Recorded Streams): https://picarto.tv/doctoramana All questions, comments and requests for Daz tips and tricks welcome! Bring your questions or just come hang out! Salute!

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    2021-06-16 Almost Forgot! (NSFW Jane)

    I’ve been spending some time with Substance painter this last week and I finally worked out how to set up UDIMs correctly. For those who don’t know, this is a method of setting up the texture sets so that you can paint across seams on a model. Normally you would paint each part separately and try to line things up. But with UDIMs you can paint directly from one part to another without changing texture tiles. This ability to span tiles when painting also lets you use cool tools like particle brushes to add cool effects like…well, ahem. You know, your mess….on someone’s face. Or you can use it to…