2019-03-27 Live Stream Character Poll
And here I am in the lateness of the hour, realizing I have a potential conundrum ahead.
Last week’s Live Stream had us working on a very sexy wallpaper for Jane. However, we got a lot farther along during the allotted two hours, and there is a good chance that there is insufficient work left to occupy us for another two during Wednesday’s Stream.
To counter this, I realize I needed to get off my ass and put a back up plan in place.
So were going to have a flash poll to figure out which character we are going to work on next.
If we get done with Jane early, good for us, we’ll start work on the next character. If Jane ends up taking the whole two hours to finish, that is fine too and we can just save the results of this poll for the following week.
Last time we did a poll to determine location as well, but time is not on my side. Thus, for this next character we’ll pick a location during the live stream based on participant feedback.