
Weekly Update 2018-04-01

Good evening fans and patrons. So work continues to progress on the next distribution. We’re finishing up coding on Emily’s scenes and continue with the scene staging and test renders. We hope to have some of the tests ready to share in the coming week.

Due to the number of renders and the bottle neck we experience at this point, we’re still unable to provide an eta, but things are moving forward.

In other news, we are including some solid patron only content with this next update. Since Emily isn’t a tiered character, this content will be open to all patrons. This bonus will be indicative of the type of patron only content we plan to include going forward, so stay tuned.

As the game grows and the scenes evolve in size and complexity, we have been contemplating moving to a monthly update schedule. Rather than driving out updates as we complete them, we would simply spend the month writing, coding and rendering as much content as possible and then distributing the update on the first of every month.

The upside will be a consistent distribution date and more content per update, ie multiple characters. Considering most of the upcoming production is running two to three weeks out, this wouldn’t be a much longer wait between updates. In any case, this is what we’re contemplating at the moment. Any such change would not occur until after Emily’s next update.

We would love to know your opinion on this potential change, so feel free to send us a message or drop a comment and let us know what you think.

In the meantime, thank you for playing. Cheers!

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